“My son is learning at his own pace with Davis® Tools. Now he’s very excited and interested in learning!“
Christa, mother of a 6 year old
“I can’t stop smiling because all these letters that have been bothering me are gone!”
middle school student

“It makes me smile to see her confidence in reading and her ability to do well in school. The Davis® Program has made a huge difference in her life. “
mother of a 13 year old girl
“Homework went a lot better last night using his Davis® Tools. He even wanted to do more and that never happens! In just 3 days, we have already seen a change, no more broken pens and pencils during homework!”
mother of a 14 year old boy

“When you 1st talked about the Davis® Programs, I thought it was some kind of mind-over-matter or meditation thing. I thought, what have I gotten my son into? It’s only the 3rd day of the Davis® Program and I already see the difference it is making at home. I see that every kid needs this at his or her school! Excited and happy mom talking about her son after working with Paradise Learning Unlimited Services.”
Travis S., 8 year old boy
“In less than one month I have noticed a significant and immediate change in my daughter’s reading ability and her confidence. She was fortunate enough to learn about the Davis® Programs through Mrs. Von Bon. This program has been fabulous and my daughter has an interest in reading she has never shown before. She reads with growing confidence and she reads words that were once difficult with ease. She reads with conviction. My daughter came home the other night from school and actually read a whole Social Studies chapter out loud, not once did she ask me to finish reading which is her normal habit. My daughter is also more focused in everything she does and we have already noticed her grades have been improving. Her teachers have been writing notes telling me what a wonderful change they have seen in Sara. I am very proud of Sara and I love the positive changes I see in her everyday.”
Christine M. B., mother of a 14 year old

“I have very exciting news! At school we have something called 4Sight (similar to the state test required by all US public schools). The 1st time, at the beginning of the year, when we took 4Sight, I got a 4.1. This time, at the end of the year, we took it again, and I got a 6.1. My teacher said that I went up 2 years! They would have had a meeting with my grandma and my mom, but they felt that they didn’t need to because I was very organized and a good student. So I am very happy, surprised and proud, but I am more happy and proud than surprised. I don’t think that I could have done it without your help.” (Breanna was a 6th grade student who went from working on a 4th grade level to a 6th grade level within two or three months after completing the Davis® Program.)
Breanna W., 11 year old
“When our son was 5, he was diagnosed with dyslexia. We began our journey of attempting to learn everything we could – what exactly did it mean, how would it affect him, what tools – were available to help him, what were we going to do? Then we found the Von Bons of Paradise Learning Unlimited Services and through them, discovered Davis® Program. This was the key to unlocking our son’s potential and ensuring his success in a world that didn’t always make sense to him. We were even more thrilled to learn that the Davis® approach to learning fits in with his day to day Montessori lessons. Ms. Catherine attended one of his sessions with the Von Bons and she also immediately keyed in to the “Montessoriness” of the program. We learned that even if our child didn’t have dyslexia, the methodology would be beneficial. This program puts the child in control; first by helping him center and/or focus. Then the mastery of the symbols begins. The children learn to create their own picture of the meaning of a particular word by using clay. They hear it, they see it, they touch it – and they do learn it! And soon, they are reading with expression and pleasure. This approach to learning isn’t just limited to reading. Symbol mastery occurs in math as well.”
Miriam & James D., parents of a 7 year old

“The Davis® Dyslexia Program has been great for Austin. It has benefited him in all his subjects. Also, his reading has improved tremendously. I highly recommend this program.”
Connie T., mother of an 11 year old

“I thought this was going to be very boring with a lot of worksheets, like other programs, but it’s not. It’s a lot of fun! It’s a real working program with hands-on learning.”
Samantha H., 9th grader

“It is like Paradise Learning has opened a door for my son. It’s a whole new where he can learn. It gave him the tools he needed to learn and to be the success we know he can be.”
Kerry C., mother of an 8 year old

“My child learned more in five days with the Davis® Program than she learned in three months with one-on-one tutoring.”
Angie W., mother of an 3rd grader